The primary goal of the Planning Department is to promote land use and development in accordance with City policy and applicable laws. In addition, they manage land use, oversee development projects, and ensure that future growth aligns with community goals by creating comprehensive plans, applying zoning regulations, reviewing development proposals, and advising elected officials on land use decisions, all while considering factors like environmental impact and community input; essentially, they guide the future development of the City by making informed decisions about land use and zoning based on established policies and community needs.
Contact Numbers:
Planning Assisistant 360.423.9922 X 3324 ajacobs@kelso.gov
Building & Planning Services Manager 360.423.9922 X 3321 mmurray@kelso.gov
203 S. Pacific Ave., Kelso
Hours: 8:00 - 5:00 Monday though Thursday
City of Kelso Unified Development Code (KMC)